About Warriors
We bring great care and an open heart to all BMWs. Our staff knows the proper, healthy balance needed for successful youth running. At BMWS we believe that a focus on personal development, fun, education and gratitude in elementary and middle school, leads to success in high school and beyond; an eternal spark or running is lit. We focus on progress, not perfection, while challenging our runners to give their personal best each day. We're making memories with teammates during fun and challenging workouts and races!
Boulder Mountain Warriors are filling the varsity squads at all high school XC and track programs in Boulder County. Many of these Champions on and off the field, return to mentor our Mountaineers and Warriors.
We are shaping the youth running community in Boulder County by staying true to the adages that patience is key and the journey is about progress, not perfection.
Spring Track
Registration Open!
DATES: Mar 31 - May 21, 2025
SPEEDTOWN Training and Fun Racing!

Cross Country
Coming Aug 2025
Pursuit of personal excellence

Learn more about Melody and the Boulder Mountain Warriors training

“Without a doubt Boulder Mountain Warriors is more than a running club for your children. Melody and her team are true coaches - they spend the time to truly get to know and understand each team member as a means to best inspire and coach each child to do their best. They create a true camaraderie in what I always thought was an individual sport, and the best part as a parent is watching the increased confidence as my children continue to surprise themselves in their physical and mental gains.”
- Courtney S.